SolAIR Power

(this page is incomplete)

The sun is sometimes blocked by clouds, trees, earth itself, or even the moon when things line up right. This calls for storing the energy for later use in some way, which I'm picking compressed air to do that job, since steam can't really be stored long-term. (as far as i know)

I've drawn a rough diagram in MS Paint to map out what needs to be put together in order to make this project happen:

i prefer the look of hand-drawn text.

The first component here is the Fresnel Lens that concentrates solar energy to one spot, which I'll use to boil water instead of rocks . Using the resulting steam, I can power an engine that drives an air compressor, which outputs to a tank for general energy storage. The compressed air can be used to power various tools and toys, or even be converted to electricity with a dynamo. I plan to at least have the dynamo be a thing, to try and run a web server off of it in the form of a Raspberry Pi or similar.